« Qurani KerimDunya sheherlerine seyahet_Ingiltere_London,Bracknell, Windsor »


Comment from: DeLi_BaLa [Member]  
davamini gozleyirem qadasi...chox sagolki bu imkani uchun yaradirsan...
06. 10. 06 @ 01:02
Comment from: AngeL_Blue [Member]  
AngeL_BlueMemnuniyyetle davam edecem Qadasi. Men de sizin munasibetinizi gorub cox sevinirem
06. 10. 06 @ 01:38
Comment from: Mysterious [Visitor]
Mysteriousmende cox maraqlaniram...keep going:)
06. 10. 06 @ 06:40

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