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Comment from: Mel@ni [Visitor]
Mel@nibalacadi deye shirin gelir,ama neis irgenirem tisbagadan,elimi vura bilmirem,maraqsiz heyvandi saxlamaga,yeni adamla oynamir,ele bil dash alib qoymusan eve:)))))))))ama deyirler dusherlidi,ruzi getirir,onun xetrine yola vermek olar,qoy dursun bir qiraqda:))))))))))))
15. 02. 09 @ 01:18
Comment from: Mel@ni [Visitor]
Mel@nibir sheyde soruhsum,indi snede de gordum.maraqlidi niye adamin sol elinin icinde xettler cox olur cem sagda???
15. 02. 09 @ 01:19
Comment from: xansekinski [Visitor]
xansekinskiMen esitdiyime gore sol elde insanin taleyi yazilir..
15. 02. 09 @ 03:36

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