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Comment from: Mysterious [Visitor]
Mysteriousdeirem shansa bax e, yaxhsi deibler e deli ol shansli ol:))))))))
24. 10. 06 @ 18:02
Comment from: Agsaqqal [Member]  
AgsaqqalMKU, yalan danishma, bu ele senin ozunsen!
24. 10. 06 @ 18:34
Comment from: Most Known Unknown [Visitor]
Most Known UnknownSeme ay Myst, DeliBala da meshhur oldu getdi oz aramizdi:)) Agsaqqal: yo men evvelki mitinqdeydim:)
24. 10. 06 @ 21:10
Comment from: MUTANTKA [Visitor]
MUTANTKAloooooooooool oldum gulmekden:) Deli oyunun olsun, Mostla birlikde :D
25. 10. 06 @ 15:32
Comment from: Agsaqqal [Member]  
AgsaqqalMost, ALLATMA DA bizi.. bura sheklivi qoymushdun axi, ADIN NA ADIN papadaet ;) mitingden kechmisen 1 qiragha, bunu chekdirmisen. Utanmadin bizi allatdun?
25. 10. 06 @ 17:03

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