« Qadinlara FormulaDushunce uchun Sitatlar - 2 »


Comment from: AYAN [Visitor]
AYANOtlichno, tem bolee chto tam i ya est, ele en geshegi ozumem, cowboy papaqlarindan da xoshum gelir, mene gozel yarashir. AGSAQQAL merciler!!!
17. 11. 06 @ 01:39
Comment from: Mysterious [Visitor]
MysteriousChox qesheng alinib bu defeki ela, super, harika:)))) Namka lap eladir:)))loool, olerem ele a baji)) P.S.Agsaqqal_emi he bir az asan crossword eleki menim bashim sinmasinda;)
17. 11. 06 @ 01:42
Comment from: MUTANTKA [Visitor]
MUTANTKACan ay NAmka :)))))))) Agsaqqal sen bilersen bizim qizlar niye bele ayaglarin geriye atib yeriyir hiy ? :)))))))))))
17. 11. 06 @ 07:00
Comment from: bakinka_v_NY [Visitor]
bakinka_v_NYEmishka,seni niye Angelin rengi bele qorxutdu???))))
17. 11. 06 @ 07:32
Comment from: Agsaqqal [Member]  
AgsaqqalMutantka, geriye atib yeriyen onlar, MENDEN sorushursan? :) Ozlerinden sorush da
17. 11. 06 @ 16:58
Comment from: Agsaqqal [Member]  
AgsaqqalBakinka, qorxutmadi ki :) Meni Namelum qorxutmushdu :) Sen, men ki bele baxiram, Bakinka, ele hele de meynen hormet xatirine danishirsan ha ;)
17. 11. 06 @ 20:41
Comment from: sensitive [Visitor]
sensitiveMaraqli idi yene, en chox teeccublendiren Namelum_mikrob oldu :) Namelum_mikrob, artiq melum oldun hamiya Agsaqqal-in sayesinde:)
18. 11. 06 @ 12:03
Comment from: bakulu_Esmer [Visitor]
18. 11. 06 @ 16:23
Comment from: angel_blue [Visitor]
angel_blueEla Emishka! Super! Ama ay Emi, menim rengim bele gom goy deyil axi :)))))))
19. 11. 06 @ 18:04
Comment from: Agsaqqal [Member]  
Agsaqqal:) Angel, xoshuna gelmeyini beyendim :) Amma goyluyun ANGEL BLUE-dur deyenedi de :) Onda Mikrob ne elesin, qiz? :)
19. 11. 06 @ 20:07
Comment from: Namelum_mikrob [Visitor]
Namelum_mikrobAyyy millet agsaqqali gordum rengim ruhum qacdi.Etiraf edirem eslinde men bele deyilem. Daha qorxuncam. Bu ne shirin mikrobdu??? Sagoleeee agsaqqal. :-)))) oldum gulmekden. lap yumurtaya oxshayir mikrobdan cox.
19. 11. 06 @ 23:27
Comment from: bakinka_v_NY [Visitor]
bakinka_v_NYNoooooooooo,Emishkaaaa....nepravdaaaa))))Mi ved drujim hele "Tinsohbeti"nden)))...Pomnish???
20. 11. 06 @ 01:49
Comment from: Agsaqqal [Member]  
AgsaqqalBakinka, POMNYU KONECHNO! Esli ya podumal chto ty obideshsya, ya by eto tuda ne postavil by, Bajishka
20. 11. 06 @ 03:17

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